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Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog

Beware These 4 Signs of AC Malfunctions

outside-unit-of-an-air-conditionerThe reason we talk about repair needs and malfunctions so much this time of the year is because this is the time of year they’re most likely to occur! And AC repair is one of those services you need to schedule ASAP and not wait on. We see a lot of systems, unfortunately, that are near failure simply because homeowners waited too long to call for repairs.

The longer you wait, the more likelihood there is of a “domino effect” inside your air conditioner—that is, a malfunctioning or failing component impacting other components in your air conditioner. Taking care of your air conditioner is good for your comfort, your home, and your wallet!

“So, How Do I Know I Need AC Repair?”

We don’t expect you to be an AC expert—that’s what we are here for! We do want to help you understand the basics though, so you know how to recognize a problem and when to call our team for professional repairs.

Sign #1: Strange Noises

In a previous blog post, we talked about specific noises you should listen for. The fact of the matter is, though, you should be alert to any noise that’s outside of the normal sounds your air conditioner makes when it’s running.

This could include a faint clicking sound as your system cycles on and off, as well as the sound of air coming through your vents. And of course, you’ll hear the outside unit running too. But loud, unfamiliar sounds are reason to give our pros a call right away.

Sign #2: You Can’t Get Cool

This is a pretty clear sign of an air conditioning problem, and yet some homeowners think it’s just normal because of how hot it gets outside. And, it’s true, and air conditioner can only cool you down so much. In fact, it struggles to get any lower than 20° below what it is outside (so setting it in the 60’s will prove ineffective on a 95° day!)

But let’s say your thermostat settings are within a reasonable range—you have it set somewhere between 75°-78° and it’s 89° outside. You should expect to feel cool in your home! If not, you may have an AC malfunction, or you could be in need of a dehumidifier to get some moisture out of the air—this keeps you comfortable and helps your air conditioner perform better too!

Sign #3: Your Utility Bills Are Too High

Sure, this can be subjective. But what we’re talking about here is—are your utility bills during the summer higher than they were last summer? Talk to your neighbors too—are you paying more for energy use than they are? If the answer to both of these questions is “yes,” then there is a very good chance that your air conditioner is not working as efficiently as it once used to, and you need AC repair.

Sign #4: Your AC Run Time Is Different

Homeowners don’t always notice this right away, but you may notice that your air conditioner is only running for short spurts of time when it used to cycle more regularly. This is called short cycling and it’s when your AC system turns on, runs for a very short amount of time, and shuts off before its completed its cycle. It may do this several times an hour, and it’s very inefficient for your system.

For expert AC repair in Navarre, look no further than Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc. Contact us today!

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