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Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog

Help! I Skipped My AC Maintenance This Year!


Life is hectic. Sometimes things get away from us. Time rushes by, and in the bustle and busyness of our lives, we forget to do something important, like scheduling AC maintenance in the spring or early summer. Now, well into the middle of summer, you’ve realized you skipped your AC tune-up. What can you do about it? Is it worth scheduling AC maintenance now? In a nutshell, the answer is yes. If you’re ready for AC maintenance in Navarre, FL, we’re ready to help you out.

Your Un-Maintained Air Conditioner

Without that maintenance, your air conditioner is dusty and grimy. Components are caked with pet hair and fuzz. It blankets the motor like insulation and causes it to get too hot. Particles work their way between moving parts and scrape away at them. The lubrication that once prevented excess friction in those moving parts has worn away, adding to the scraping and overheating. 

The condensate pan has become an idyllic ecosystem for bacteria, algae, and mold, which can now clog the drain and cause condensation to overflow into your wall. The screws, fan blades, and other components which have endured more than a year’s worth of vibration have wobbled themselves loose. And your warranty is threatening to expire due to lack of professional maintenance.

Repair needs, shortened AC system lifespan, voided warranty, inefficient operation, increased electric bills, poor air circulation, and uneven cooling can hopefully be avoided by scheduling AC maintenance now.

Mid-Summer Maintenance

While it is ideal to have maintenance performed before the start of the cooling season, it’s also perfectly reasonable to have it done during the summer. It’s not a very lengthy process, so although you will need to have your air conditioner shut down for a bit, it won’t be long enough to leave your home sweltering. And you can still reap almost all of the benefits of having that maintenance done.

AC Maintenance Benefits

Once that maintenance is performed, your risk of needing repairs for your air conditioner will drop by 85%! That’s nothing to sneeze at. Your efficiency, lowered by at least 5% during the year since your last maintenance, will go right back up, instead of dropping another several percent. You’ll be on track to keep your AC alive for as long as possible, and you’ll keep it under warranty.

There’s also safety to consider. Air conditioners are not particularly dangerous pieces of equipment. However, they are electrical appliances, and electricity can pose safety hazards, especially when no maintenance is performed. Electric shock or fire can occur when an air conditioner isn’t taken care of properly, and maintenance will help prevent these risks.

And don’t forget comfort. Your air conditioner will keep your home cooler, and have an easier time circulating that cool air, to maintain an even temperature throughout the whole house. This is the comfort you deserve during a Florida summer.

For professional AC services, look no further than Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc.  Contact us today!

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