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Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog

How Long Does AC Installation Take?


Here at Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, air conditioning installation is old hat. We do it every day. But for you, it is a rare occurrence. Maybe you’ve never even had it done before! That means that while we might take some aspects of it for granted, you might have a lot of questions about the process. We’d like to help you out with that.

The best way to prepare for anything is by having as much information as possible beforehand. So here’s all the information you need about AC installation: what’s involved in the process, how long it takes, and what you can do to make it go faster. If you have any questions about AC installation in Destin, FL, we’d be happy to provide answers.

AC Installation: The Steps

The first step is for you to work with your HVAC contractor to determine what exactly your home needs in terms of AC size and power, and to choose the specific system you’ll be getting. Then they’ll determine whether there’s any additional work necessary to make it possible to install the air conditioner and set an installation date.

When that date comes, they’ll arrive and greet you, and then the installation techs will make sure they know the exact lay of the land: where everything is and what will be needed during the installation process. They’ll clear space and prepare the areas they’ll need to be in.

The actual installation may be surprisingly quick! They’ll turn off and disconnect the old system and move the units out of the way. Then they’ll bring the units of the new system out of the truck and get them positioned, connected, and turned on. They’ll allow the system to run for a bit. This is an important step to make sure that everything is working just right. And that’s it!

AC Installation: The Timeline

If your installation will require additional work, that will be part of the plan you make with your contractor. This would be something like having to remove old ductwork and install a fresh system of ducts, for example. That could mean that you have a multi-day installation plan. 

Otherwise, your AC installation will take place within a single day. We always recommend clearing the whole day’s schedule. Sometimes, an installation can take eight hours or so. But sometimes, it can be done in as little as half that! How can installation time be shortened? By doing some prep work ahead of time.

AC Installation: Prepare Your Home

A good bit of the time your installation techs will be spending at your home could be taken up with tasks like clearing walkways, moving furniture or clutter, and raking debris from around the outdoor unit. Streamline the process by doing all of that before they arrive! Think about where they’ll park, where they’ll need to walk, and where they’ll need elbow room for working, and make sure it’s all clear.

Finally, pets—as charming and adorable as they are—can get in the way of the installation process. While we’d love to meet every dog in Florida, we’d also like to get the work done as quickly as possible for you. Keeping your pets secured in a separate area will keep them safe and keep the work moving. 

For professional AC installation services, look no further than Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc.  Contact us today!

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