Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Telltale Signs That You Need Furnace Repair ASAP

Monday, January 23rd, 2023

Imagine a person running. If their shoelace comes untied, that might seem like a very minor problem. However, if they don’t stop to tie it, they may trip and fall. Now, a problem that would’ve only required a quick fix has turned into a disaster.

Even when they’re maintained every year, furnaces can develop problems that require repair. It’s important to have those repairs done promptly. You don’t want a loose screw, wobbling fan blade, or slightly cracked belt to cause a major problem by damaging other components in the system. How do you know that it’s time to get furnace repair? We’ll give you a rundown of the signs—some obvious and some subtle—that you shouldn’t ignore.

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5 Electric Furnace Troubleshooting Tips

Monday, November 14th, 2022

An electric furnace is an efficient, reliable way to keep cozy in the winter. Chances are, if you have an electric furnace, you’ve been happy with it and had few problems. With regular maintenance, an electric furnace can even keep you warm for twenty years! However, if you do encounter a problem, it may be confusing or frustrating. Perhaps you’ve previously had a gas boiler, and are used to doing things like checking the pilot light. But how do you troubleshoot problems with an electric furnace?

We’re going to talk you through five common symptoms your electric furnace might experience, and give you some idea of what might be causing those problems. 

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Yes, Even in Florida Your Heater Needs Service

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

Everyone knows that the folks who live in the frozen north use their heaters more than half the year. Of course, they need regular maintenance when they see that much use!

But even in Florida, with many fewer days that require heating, it is important to make sure your heater is serviced regularly. In fact, this is the perfect time of year to plan your heating maintenance in Navarre, FL. There are several reasons why.

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Heed These Signs That Your Heater Needs Repair

Monday, January 10th, 2022

A heating system is a major investment, which is why you want to get full value for it. While build quality can determine the natural lifespan of a heater, every unit needs maintenance at some point to stay in top condition.

When a heater needs repair, there are a few warning signs you can look out for so issues don’t compound. Let’s break them down. 

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Why Your Electric Furnace Needs Professional Maintenance

Monday, December 27th, 2021

As a resident of Florida, the efficiency of your air conditioning unit takes priority over your electric furnace. After all, you probably only use the furnace for a short period of time each year.

Regular maintenance on an electric furnace may seem like an unnecessary expense. But maintenance actually helps save you money in the long run. It also provides the following benefits:

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Don’t Neglect These Late Season Heating Repair Needs

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Alright, let’s face it, our winters are pretty brief. In fact, in other parts of the country we are pretty sure folks would laugh at us if we told them what residents here consider “cold,” right? Especially the last couple of weeks!

Still though, you are probably like most Gulf Breeze residents and used your heater a little bit, right? Regardless of whether your furnace gets used for months or only gets a little “airtime” each heating season, the fact is that sooner or later it will need repairs. This is particularly true if you have an aging system—one that is 10-15 years old.

Of course, with such minimal use, and because we’re almost done with winter anyway around here, you might be tempted to put off late-season heating repair needs, right? We really encourage you not to do this, as it could leave you with a broken-down system next fall when you need it again. Or depending on the problem, it could impact your AC system too. But how do you know if you have late-season heating repair needs?

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Boost Heating Efficiency and Pay Less

Monday, February 8th, 2021

Let’s face it, it’s almost silly to talk about heating systems at all when you live somewhere like Florida. We’re sure your friends or family in the Northwest and Midwest roll their eyes at you when you call 54°F “chilly.” But the fact of the matter is, for us, that is chilly! And it requires a fully functional and powerful heater to keep you comfortable, no matter how briefly you may need that heater, right?

Additionally, who wants to pay more than they actually need to for heating when you live somewhere that you barely use the system? Now that is what’s silly! There are a number of simple ways you can boost your heating efficiency to use it more effectively and save money on at least one monthly utility bill. Read on to learn how.

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Signs Your Furnace Is Struggling

Monday, January 25th, 2021

It’s the middle of winter… which doesn’t mean much for Florida residents. But let’s face it, the contrast in temperature definitely makes winter feel cold to us in comparison to summer! And when we get cold, we want a heating system that functions like it is supposed to, while doing so affordably, right?

The best way to keep your furnace working well is with maintenance. Professional, annual, furnace maintenance allows our technicians to fully inspect, clean, and adjust your furnace. This ensures that it operates as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible.

That doesn’t mean, however, that your furnace will never have a repair need between maintenance sessions. In fact, due to natural wear and tear or even unprecedented damage, you could find yourself facing a few repair needs over the course of the system’s lifespan. The important thing here is to be aware of when your furnace is showing signs of repair needs, so you can call us right away, before those needs become much more urgent.

Read on as we uncover some of the most common signs of a struggling furnace!

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Is Heater Maintenance Worth It?

Monday, January 11th, 2021

Let’s face it. “Florida” and “cold” are rarely words we see used in the same sentence. It’s true, our winters are relatively mild when you compare them to what the rest of the country experiences. Still though, when our temperatures drop, the drastic difference is enough to make us feel chilly. While 60°F is “nice” to those who live in the Midwest, it’s downright arctic to us!

Alright, maybe that’s a little dramatic. But the point is, we need fully functional and efficiently operating heating systems in our homes to stay comfortable in the wintertime. But how can you ensure that yours is fully functional and is operating as well as it can? Well, with maintenance!

So, yes, heater maintenance is worth it. But don’t just take our word for it and stop reading here! Continue on as we uncover why you should call for heater maintenance today if you haven’t done so in a year or longer.

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Furnace FAQs from the Pros!

Monday, December 28th, 2020

This is the time of year our service professionals get a lot of calls regarding concerns over their furnace systems. We certainly encourage you inquiring, since ignoring a potential problem could leave you with a safety hazard. This is especially true if you have an older (10-15+ years old) system, and/or a gas-powered furnace.

We’d like to give you a quick reference guide though, with our most frequently asked questions, so that you have better peace of mind. Read on as we uncover the 2 most common questions we’ve gotten this season as well as some general safety information to make sure you have a happy, safe winter ahead!

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