Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Broken Down Heater Have you Stuck in the Cold? Here’s What to Do!

Monday, December 14th, 2020

Alright, alright, we all know that folks north of us and in the Midwest probably laugh at what we call “cold,” but let’s face it, we do deal with chillier temperatures in the wintertime. When we’re used to calling a 95° day “pretty hot” and an 80° day “mild,” then it’s no wonder we’re shivering when temperatures outside dip below 65°! Plus, if it’s rainy or overcast then there’s no natural radiant heat flowing into our home from south-facing windows.

So, we want our heating systems to work, and we want them to work well, right? When yours is in need of a repair—or even worse, when yours has broken down completely, it can feel like an emergency. That’s when it’s time to give our team a call. While you wait for our team to show up though, it’s natural to want to know how to stay warm. Read on as we uncover some tips to do just that.

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Is a Cracked Heat Exchanger an Emergency?

Monday, November 30th, 2020

The short answer to this question is, “yes!”

But we don’t expect you to take that at face value. After all, it’s such a small component, how important could it be? Well, if we’re talking about the heat exchanger in your gas-powered furnace, pretty darn important!

Look, we’re not here to panic you or scare you into thinking that gas-powered furnaces are inherently dangerous—they’re not. But when you ignore a problem as serious as this, they certainly can be. Just like any other appliance that creates combustion gasses, a furnace has the potential to create health hazards if the system isn’t properly maintained. Treat your gas furnace well and you’ll have little to worry about.

Cracked heat exchangers are a problem usually isolated to aging furnaces—that is, any furnace over 15 years old. For this reason, we typically recommend system replacement once your furnace has reached this age. Read on as we uncover why you don’t want a cracked heat exchanger.

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Shriek, Bang, Hiss: Sounds You Shouldn’t Hear Your Heater Make

Monday, November 16th, 2020

Heating systems aren’t something we give a whole lot of thought to on a regular basis here in the Navarre area—especially considering we’ve had a 90° New Year’s before. But as briefly as we might need our heaters, when they are running we want them to run well right? Meaning, you want your heater to work as efficiently and effectively as possible, and to last as long as possible.

Well, to ensure this is the case, you have to take care of your heater properly. This means if you have a furnace system, getting it maintained once a year. If you have a year-round heat pump system—a very popular choice for many Florida residents—you should have it tuned-up every six months.

And in addition to regular maintenance, you should always be aware of signs that indicate something is amiss with your heater, like strange sounds. We’ve listed a few below that you should pay extra attention to (and call our pros when you hear them!)

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How to Keep Your Heater Happy

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

Last time, we talked to you about how to tell when you need repair work for your home. This week, we’d like to talk to you about how you can keep your home’s heater happy. It’s not always an easy task. Your heater is one of those home appliances that you’ve probably had in your home or in your life throughout your lifetime. This means that you probably don’t think about how you run your heater too often. We want to challenge you to do so today.

If you read through our blog today and notice that you need a little extra help with your home’s heater, it’s time for you to schedule an appointment for heating repair in Destin, FL. Our professionals can help you out with everything you need.

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Signs Your HVAC System Needs Repair

Monday, October 19th, 2020

We may not use our furnace systems for very long here in Navarre, but when we do, we need them to work as efficiently and effectively as possible, right? The best way to ensure this is the case is to schedule routine maintenance, first off. The second best way is to stay on top of your repair needs.

The sooner you can tell something is wrong with your heater, the sooner you can give us a call to fix it, and the least expensive it will be to fix! Read on as we uncover some common warning signs that your heating system may be in disrepair, and be sure to watch (and listen) for them the first time you turn your heater on this winter, no matter how brief it may be.

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Is a Heater Tune-Up Necessary?

Monday, September 21st, 2020

Maybe you aren’t thinking about your heating system quite yet, but it’s never too early to think about how to save money! Heating maintenance is certainly one way to do just that.

Regardless of our climate, the fact is that even if we only need our heaters for a very brief amount of time this winter, we need them to work as efficiently as possible, right? After a long season (that’s not over for several weeks still in our parts) of soaring hot temperatures and energy bills to use our air conditioners, don’t you want a bit of a financial break?

You can get that, with a heating tune-up! Read on as we uncover some of the benefits of this service.

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Don’t Let the End of Season Delay These Furnace Repair Needs!

Monday, February 24th, 2020

Are you having problems with your furnace?


Perhaps it’s something really subtle, or something that seems like more of an annoyance than an actual problem. We get it, too. It’s barely that cold around here, so any problem with your furnace can wait, right?

The problem with this mindset is that homeowners often wait too long to address furnace repair needs. What happens is they let the problem go on and on until the furnace breaks down. We’re nearing the end of our heating season, so even this might not seem detrimental. But trust us, when the weather cools back down next fall, you’ll be grateful for tackling furnace repair needs this winter!

We’ve compiled a list below of some of the most common furnace repair needs we get called for. If you notice any of them, please give our team a call—we’re happy to inspect, and we provide reliable repairs and other HVAC services to boot.

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Are Damaged Ducts Hurting Your Heating Efficiency?

Monday, February 10th, 2020

If your heater were making an odd noise or if it was failing to start up as temperatures dropped through your home at night, then you probably wouldn’t waste much time in contacting an HVAC professional right? After all, it may not get bone-chilling cold here, but you still deserve to live comfortably! This means your heater needs to work flawlessly for the brief time you really do need it, and you’d likely prefer to pay as little as possible for that comfort.

So, what if there’s a problem with your ductwork? What if it’s accumulated tears and damage over time? Guess what? It’s going to have serious implications for your heating system—and yes, it will hurt efficiency. More on that below, along with other reasons leaky and damaged ductwork is a problem.

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Sounds You Don’t Want Your Furnace Making

Monday, January 27th, 2020

Some of the noises that come from the electronics and appliances in your home can be easy to ignore. It’s also easy to deny anything is wrong, since fixing the issue can be a bigger nuisance than listening to it.

But there are certain noises that shouldn’t be ignored if they’re coming from your heating system. For instance, a rattle could be something benign, like a loose panel. But another possibility is that it’s a cracked heat exchanger making the sound, which is actually quite dangerous.

Here at Kool Breeze, we understand how important protecting yourself and your family is. So if you’re hearing suspicious noises from your furnace, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our techs. Below are some of the noises worth calling in about!

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How to Boost Your Heating Efficiency and Pay Less

Monday, January 13th, 2020

We’re going to guess that the “pay less” part of that title is what caught your eye, as it should!

The fact of the matter is, though our area of the country isn’t known for drastically cold and snowy winters, the drop in temperature this month absolutely necessitate a fully functional and effective heater. But if you’re staying comfortable this winter and find yourself paying more than you should, then you really aren’t getting the most from your furnace.

There are some simple steps you can take—some that don’t cost anything but a moment of your time—to not only boost the efficiency of your furnace, but help prevent repairs, too. What are they? Read on!

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