Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Your HVAC Air Filter Vs. Whole-House Air Purification

Monday, May 16th, 2022

Indoor air quality is an important consideration for a lot of homeowners. Whether you work from home or want to keep pollen out during allergy season, there’s a good reason to invest in air purification. That said, not all HVAC systems are made for this purpose.

While the name fits, air filters aren’t designed to purify the air coming through the vents. They’re good for maintaining clean airflow, but not in the way you may think. So what role do they actually play? More importantly, what’s the best HVAC system for cleaner indoor air?

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How to Breathe Easier This Winter

Monday, November 15th, 2021

The pandemic has certainly left many homeowners throughout Northwest Florida concerned about their health, especially indoors. That concern shouldn’t have to follow you home though! You should always feel comfortable about the air you breathe in your own living space.

The good news, is there are products that can help reduce not only the chance of virus transmission, but also reduce other common types of indoor irritants, such as allergens, common household irritants like cleaning fumes, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Read on as we uncover how exactly to do this–with the professional installation and use of an air purifier.

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How UV Radiation Can Be Great for Your Home

Monday, September 20th, 2021

Did you know that there are indoor air quality systems called UV air purifiers (a.k.a UV germicidal lights) that are great for your home? It’s not every day that you hear UV radiation can actually be good for you, but in this case, it is!

UV air purifiers are among a line of air purifiers that could be helpful for your Northwest Florida home. Even if you already have another type of air purifier installed in your home, you can benefit from the installation of UV germicidal lights. We’ll get into the “how” below.

As you read on, keep in mind that you always want to be thinking about your overall indoor air quality. Many homeowners hear that term–indoor air quality–and all they think about is the temperature of their home, when good indoor air quality is actually about so much more. Read on!

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Options to Breathe a Little Easier This Summer

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

The pandemic may nearly be behind us, but homeowners now more than ever are interested in how to ensure their homes are as safe and healthy as possible. A lot of this has to do with how they’re addressing their indoor air quality needs.

When you think about indoor air quality, you probably think about the temperature of your home. This is definitely an important part of good indoor air quality, but it is not the whole picture. To truly achieve great IAQ, you want the right products and services in place to make sure that the air you’re breathing indoors is healthy. What can you do to make sure this is the case? Consider the following installations!

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Tips for Improving Your Indoor Air

Monday, October 5th, 2020

In a recent blog post, we posed the question, “is a UV air purifier worth the investment?” It certainly is the best choice for many homes, but it’s not the only choice. And with so many homeowners and families spending time indoors, it only makes sense they want to make that environment as healthy as possible.

Are you one of these people? Then read on as we uncover some of our top tips for improving your indoor air quality and taking steps toward a healthier home.

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Is a UV Air Purifier Worth the Investment?

Monday, September 7th, 2020

With homeowners being much more cognizant these days about the health of their households, it makes sense that you may be considering the addition of an air purifier in your home. But not all air purifiers are created equal! They all have their specific purpose, and some will meet your home’s specific needs better than others.

So to answer the question of “is a UV air purifer installation worth it?” Probably!

The thing is, the quality of your air indoors is actually worse than that of outdoors, without the right indoor air quality products and services in place. Read on to learn more!

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Why Are UV Air Purifiers So Popular?

Monday, August 10th, 2020

The short answer to this is, “because they work!” Of course, we’ll elaborate on this a bit further below. After all, you should know just why it’s so important to have a source of air purification that will leave you more comfortable and healthier to boot.

The fact is, your indoor air quality can actually be worse than the quality of air outdoors, without the right indoor air quality products and services in place. This is true no matter the season and no matter the setup of your home. There are a number of factors that impact this, from allergens like pet dander and dust to pollutants like household cleaning products and mold growth.

So, what do UV air purifiers do that’s so special?

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Prep Yourself for Allergy Season!

Monday, April 6th, 2020

If you’re reading this blog post in the spring of 2020, then you know that health concerns are not anything we take lightly. Given the severity of our current situation, one thing that is easy to forget about right now is taking care of our general health. If you’re an allergy sufferer, then this post is for you.

Allergies seem minor in the grand scheme of things, right? But the truth is, if you’re not taking care of yourself overall, you can lower your own immunity, and feel pretty miserable to boot. Allergies may not seem threatening, but they will certainly hurt your quality of life. So, what can you do about it?

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What’s the Difference between an Air Purifier and a UV Air Purifier

Monday, September 9th, 2019

uv-lightYou might think that a UV air purifier is “just another air cleaner.” However, it’s quite different from a standard ionization or electronic air cleaner—more on that below.

Basically, there are a number of things that can have a negative impact on your indoor air quality, but there are a few systems that can help improve this situation. Indoor air quality is a big concern no matter what time of the year it is—in fact, without the right products in place, it’s worse than the quality of the air outdoors.

But, what type of air purifier is best? To answer that, we first need to explain what air purifiers actually do.

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Should You Be Worried About Tree Pollen?

Monday, March 25th, 2019

woman-blowing-nose“What?” you may be wondering, “you’re an HVAC company, why are you talking to me about tree pollen?”

Here’s a little fact you may not be aware of—the indoor air quality within your home can actually be worse than that of outdoors. This is because homes and buildings today are built very tightly, sealing off any areas that can allow conditioned air to escape. This is great news for air conditioning efficiency! Unfortunately though, since air can’t escape your home, neither can allergens.

This is the time of year known as “tree pollen season” here in the Navarre area, and every time you open your door, you’re inviting this allergen inside. So, what can you do to combat it?

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