Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Purifier’

Does a UV Air Purifier Treat Mold?

Tuesday, January 28th, 2025

Mold invading your home is one of the most difficult things to deal with. Thanks to Florida’s average relative humidity of around 75%, mold is very happy to grow here. It makes a strong, unpleasant odor if it’s anywhere near you. And it’s extremely hard to remove once it has grown a large colony, leaving stains and deterioration in your home and costing thousands to remediate. 

Wouldn’t it be so much simpler to get rid of that mold when it first tries to grow? To prevent it from creating those big ugly colonies? Yes, and in fact, it is possible to do just that. Let’s talk about how a UV air purifier can treat your home’s mold problem at the source. 

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How to Breathe Easier This Winter

Monday, November 15th, 2021

The pandemic has certainly left many homeowners throughout Northwest Florida concerned about their health, especially indoors. That concern shouldn’t have to follow you home though! You should always feel comfortable about the air you breathe in your own living space.

The good news, is there are products that can help reduce not only the chance of virus transmission, but also reduce other common types of indoor irritants, such as allergens, common household irritants like cleaning fumes, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Read on as we uncover how exactly to do this–with the professional installation and use of an air purifier.

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Options to Breathe a Little Easier This Summer

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

The pandemic may nearly be behind us, but homeowners now more than ever are interested in how to ensure their homes are as safe and healthy as possible. A lot of this has to do with how they’re addressing their indoor air quality needs.

When you think about indoor air quality, you probably think about the temperature of your home. This is definitely an important part of good indoor air quality, but it is not the whole picture. To truly achieve great IAQ, you want the right products and services in place to make sure that the air you’re breathing indoors is healthy. What can you do to make sure this is the case? Consider the following installations!

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Tips for Improving Your Indoor Air

Monday, October 5th, 2020

In a recent blog post, we posed the question, “is a UV air purifier worth the investment?” It certainly is the best choice for many homes, but it’s not the only choice. And with so many homeowners and families spending time indoors, it only makes sense they want to make that environment as healthy as possible.

Are you one of these people? Then read on as we uncover some of our top tips for improving your indoor air quality and taking steps toward a healthier home.

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Common Threats to Your Indoor Air Quality

Monday, January 28th, 2019

woman-with-allergies-blowing-noseWhen you live somewhere as warm as we do, it makes sense that homeowners focus mostly on temperature control in their homes when considering the quality of their indoor air. Temperature control is certainly important to keep your home comfortable and your family healthy. However, it’s not the only factor involved with indoor air quality. You can be impacted by factors such as excessive humidity, dust infiltration, and even germs and bacteria existing in your air ducts.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to combat these problems. The same pros who are here to take good care of your HVAC system are also expertly trained and experienced in installing and repairing various indoor air quality products that can help keep your home as happy and healthy as possible. Of course, every home is different and not all households will have the same needs, but below we’ve covered a few of the most common threats to indoor air quality in Destin, and what you can do about it.

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