Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Navarre’

Common Air Conditioning Repairs in Florida

Saturday, April 12th, 2014

Considering how much use and abuse our air conditioners endure on a daily basis, it’s hardly surprising to learn that they will require air conditioning repair at some point. Let’s not mince words. Your AC will break down eventually. The trick is to be prepared for problems when they happen, and to avoid them wherever possible. Professional installation is critical in this respect, as is a program of routine maintenance carried out by a trained technician. However, no matter what type of air conditioner you have and how well it is maintained, there will come a time when it needs to be fixed or replaced.

Catching the signs of potential air conditioning repair in Navarre early on is the best way to avoid further damage. While any diagnosis must be completed in person by a qualified technician, there are some signs to look out for.  Here is a handful so that you can keep a watchful eye on your HVAC system.

  • Weird sounds. Does your AC sound monstrous when it kicks on? Does your cooling seem to create a lot of hissing and whistling noises? Don’t settle for such distractions. If your air conditioner makes any noise out of the ordinary, then it should be cause for concern. While it’s true that it may be a quirk in your system and relative benign, it could also indicate that you’re losing cool air through a tear in the ducts that’s driving up your energy bills, or that one of your fan blades is damaged.
  • High energy consumption. Keep your eyes glued to that energy bill every month, especially during the most expensive time of the year. Does it seem unusually high? If you notice an abrupt rise in your energy bill without a corresponding increase in cooling usage or the rate at which you purchase electricity, then it could mean you have a problem with your AC, including low levels of refrigerant.
  • Uneven or inadequate cooling. Don’t settle for anything less than your comfort. If you find that your cooling system fails to meet your needs, then don’t hesitate to give us a call.

The experts at Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc. offer excellent air conditioning repair services in Navarre and beyond. Call us anytime, day or night. 

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Choosing a Commercial Air Conditioning System

Friday, April 4th, 2014

Any business that has to contend with the Florida heat is bound to think a lot about their commercial air conditioning system. Whether you run a retail store, grocery store, or simply manage a number of commercial properties in a large office building, you’re going to need an excellent commercial AC in Navarre that can provide sufficient comfort and convenience for your clients, customers, employees and/or tenants. Frankly, you need an expert. The choice is always yours to make, but in order to make an informed decision, it’s best to do so in consultation with a professionally trained and experienced HVAC technician who can run you through your options from the start. Not every system may be ideal for the layout and size of your commercial space, and you always have to consider budget.

There are a number of commercial air conditioning options on the market today and finding the right one for your needs is something that we can do, no problem.

AC Options to Consider

  • Central air unit. Whether it’s located on the rooftop as a packaged unit or as a split system, a central air unit is the most common type of cooling system in this area. It’s widely recognized as a powerful system that produces excellent results. It requires ductwork, so you’ll want to make sure that you have the space for those, and you may also want to think about a dehumidifier and UV air purifier to ensure that high humidity conditions don’t get in the way of your comfort.
  • Heat pump. If you want to take care of your commercial air conditioning and heating in Navarre with one system, then you may want to consider a heat pump. These systems are not much different than central air units, except for the fact that they also heat your commercial space during the winter months. Because of our moderate winters, a heat pump is an energy efficient way to keep everyone happy throughout the year.
  • Ductless mini splits. If you want to avoid the use of ductwork altogether, whether for reasons of space, energy efficiency or indoor air quality, then we offer ductless mini splits which can be installed throughout your commercial space to keep your customers and employees comfortable year-round.

Hiring a professional is as much about selecting an appropriate system as it is about ensuring that it is installed correctly. Call Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc. 

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