Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Navarre’

What Happens During AC Maintenance?

Monday, July 12th, 2021

Your air conditioner is one of the most crucial investments you can make to improve the comfort your home offers. Modern air conditioners are a blessing for homeowners. These units are designed to last 10 to 15 years, offering you and your family living in Florida much-needed respite from the hot weather here. The expected operational lifespan of an air conditioner depends a lot on how well-maintained your unit is.

Like any mechanical device or appliance, an air conditioner must get regular inspections, tune-ups, and maintenance to ensure that it runs optimally and for a long time. Scheduling AC maintenance in Navarre, FL, can make a world of difference in how well your air conditioner performs.

Routine maintenance can ensure that your air conditioner does not develop any major problems. It can also detect any impending repairs before the problems worsen and fix any issues before leading to expensive repairs. But what happens during this service?

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Yes, Your Commercial AC Needs Maintenance: Here’s Why

Monday, April 19th, 2021

With temperatures never truly “cooling down” for too long, it’s always a good idea to make sure that your business or commercial property has a fully functional air conditioner in place. Perhaps your commercial air conditioner has been working just fine, so you don’t see the need to schedule any service for it right now.

But the truth is, just because it’s not showing any obvious signs of disrepair, this is the time of year you should schedule one very important commercial service—air conditioning maintenance. It’s never too late to have this service done, but having it completed ASAP will benefit you in more ways than one. Read on to learn why!

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Heed These Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Professional Repairs

Monday, April 5th, 2021

Unfortunately, there still isn’t an air conditioner on the market that will last forever. We think it’s pretty safe to say that will never be the case.

However, when you care for your air conditioner properly, it should be able to give you a good 10-15 years of useful service life. If your system is much newer than that and is starting to show signs of malfunction, it’s possible you need a repair. After all, air conditioners suffer from wear and tear just like any other large home appliance.

The problem with AC problems is really neglect. If you recognize that your air conditioner is struggling, the best thing you can do for it is contact a professional right away, rather than waiting for that problem to turn into a bigger emergency, like a complete system breakdown. So, what are the signs that your cooling system is, in fact, struggling? Read on to find out!

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Boost Heating Efficiency and Pay Less

Monday, February 8th, 2021

Let’s face it, it’s almost silly to talk about heating systems at all when you live somewhere like Florida. We’re sure your friends or family in the Northwest and Midwest roll their eyes at you when you call 54°F “chilly.” But the fact of the matter is, for us, that is chilly! And it requires a fully functional and powerful heater to keep you comfortable, no matter how briefly you may need that heater, right?

Additionally, who wants to pay more than they actually need to for heating when you live somewhere that you barely use the system? Now that is what’s silly! There are a number of simple ways you can boost your heating efficiency to use it more effectively and save money on at least one monthly utility bill. Read on to learn how.

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Signs Your Furnace Is Struggling

Monday, January 25th, 2021

It’s the middle of winter… which doesn’t mean much for Florida residents. But let’s face it, the contrast in temperature definitely makes winter feel cold to us in comparison to summer! And when we get cold, we want a heating system that functions like it is supposed to, while doing so affordably, right?

The best way to keep your furnace working well is with maintenance. Professional, annual, furnace maintenance allows our technicians to fully inspect, clean, and adjust your furnace. This ensures that it operates as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible.

That doesn’t mean, however, that your furnace will never have a repair need between maintenance sessions. In fact, due to natural wear and tear or even unprecedented damage, you could find yourself facing a few repair needs over the course of the system’s lifespan. The important thing here is to be aware of when your furnace is showing signs of repair needs, so you can call us right away, before those needs become much more urgent.

Read on as we uncover some of the most common signs of a struggling furnace!

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Furnace FAQs from the Pros!

Monday, December 28th, 2020

This is the time of year our service professionals get a lot of calls regarding concerns over their furnace systems. We certainly encourage you inquiring, since ignoring a potential problem could leave you with a safety hazard. This is especially true if you have an older (10-15+ years old) system, and/or a gas-powered furnace.

We’d like to give you a quick reference guide though, with our most frequently asked questions, so that you have better peace of mind. Read on as we uncover the 2 most common questions we’ve gotten this season as well as some general safety information to make sure you have a happy, safe winter ahead!

Read moRe

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Broken Down Heater Have you Stuck in the Cold? Here’s What to Do!

Monday, December 14th, 2020

Alright, alright, we all know that folks north of us and in the Midwest probably laugh at what we call “cold,” but let’s face it, we do deal with chillier temperatures in the wintertime. When we’re used to calling a 95° day “pretty hot” and an 80° day “mild,” then it’s no wonder we’re shivering when temperatures outside dip below 65°! Plus, if it’s rainy or overcast then there’s no natural radiant heat flowing into our home from south-facing windows.

So, we want our heating systems to work, and we want them to work well, right? When yours is in need of a repair—or even worse, when yours has broken down completely, it can feel like an emergency. That’s when it’s time to give our team a call. While you wait for our team to show up though, it’s natural to want to know how to stay warm. Read on as we uncover some tips to do just that.

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Is a Cracked Heat Exchanger an Emergency?

Monday, November 30th, 2020

The short answer to this question is, “yes!”

But we don’t expect you to take that at face value. After all, it’s such a small component, how important could it be? Well, if we’re talking about the heat exchanger in your gas-powered furnace, pretty darn important!

Look, we’re not here to panic you or scare you into thinking that gas-powered furnaces are inherently dangerous—they’re not. But when you ignore a problem as serious as this, they certainly can be. Just like any other appliance that creates combustion gasses, a furnace has the potential to create health hazards if the system isn’t properly maintained. Treat your gas furnace well and you’ll have little to worry about.

Cracked heat exchangers are a problem usually isolated to aging furnaces—that is, any furnace over 15 years old. For this reason, we typically recommend system replacement once your furnace has reached this age. Read on as we uncover why you don’t want a cracked heat exchanger.

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Shriek, Bang, Hiss: Sounds You Shouldn’t Hear Your Heater Make

Monday, November 16th, 2020

Heating systems aren’t something we give a whole lot of thought to on a regular basis here in the Navarre area—especially considering we’ve had a 90° New Year’s before. But as briefly as we might need our heaters, when they are running we want them to run well right? Meaning, you want your heater to work as efficiently and effectively as possible, and to last as long as possible.

Well, to ensure this is the case, you have to take care of your heater properly. This means if you have a furnace system, getting it maintained once a year. If you have a year-round heat pump system—a very popular choice for many Florida residents—you should have it tuned-up every six months.

And in addition to regular maintenance, you should always be aware of signs that indicate something is amiss with your heater, like strange sounds. We’ve listed a few below that you should pay extra attention to (and call our pros when you hear them!)

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Is a Heater Tune-Up Necessary?

Monday, September 21st, 2020

Maybe you aren’t thinking about your heating system quite yet, but it’s never too early to think about how to save money! Heating maintenance is certainly one way to do just that.

Regardless of our climate, the fact is that even if we only need our heaters for a very brief amount of time this winter, we need them to work as efficiently as possible, right? After a long season (that’s not over for several weeks still in our parts) of soaring hot temperatures and energy bills to use our air conditioners, don’t you want a bit of a financial break?

You can get that, with a heating tune-up! Read on as we uncover some of the benefits of this service.

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