Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Navarre’

“Do I Need to Worry about Getting a Heater Tune-Up?”

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

technician-looking-at-inside-of-furnaceWe get it, your air conditioner is the main HVAC system of choice for pretty much 90% of the year. When you use your heater—if you use your heater—it’s for a very brief amount of time, maybe even only at night.

But, when you do use it, don’t you want to make sure you’re doing so as efficiently as possible? The only way to make sure that you do is with heating maintenance. This probably seems like a weird time of the year to start thinking about it—after all, don’t our summers last until January?

But it’s better to have a prepared heater than to be without one, if met with a surprise cool snap this fall.

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Beware These 4 Signs of AC Malfunctions

Monday, July 29th, 2019

outside-unit-of-an-air-conditionerThe reason we talk about repair needs and malfunctions so much this time of the year is because this is the time of year they’re most likely to occur! And AC repair is one of those services you need to schedule ASAP and not wait on. We see a lot of systems, unfortunately, that are near failure simply because homeowners waited too long to call for repairs.

The longer you wait, the more likelihood there is of a “domino effect” inside your air conditioner—that is, a malfunctioning or failing component impacting other components in your air conditioner. Taking care of your air conditioner is good for your comfort, your home, and your wallet!

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Should You Be Worried About Tree Pollen?

Monday, March 25th, 2019

woman-blowing-nose“What?” you may be wondering, “you’re an HVAC company, why are you talking to me about tree pollen?”

Here’s a little fact you may not be aware of—the indoor air quality within your home can actually be worse than that of outdoors. This is because homes and buildings today are built very tightly, sealing off any areas that can allow conditioned air to escape. This is great news for air conditioning efficiency! Unfortunately though, since air can’t escape your home, neither can allergens.

This is the time of year known as “tree pollen season” here in the Navarre area, and every time you open your door, you’re inviting this allergen inside. So, what can you do to combat it?

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It’s That Time Again: Schedule Your AC Maintenance Today!

Monday, February 25th, 2019

air-conditioning-technician-working-on-systemSpring time is almost here. Although we didn’t get much reprieve from the heat anyway this winter, temperatures are about to rise again, meaning you need a fully effective and efficient air conditioning system in place. This means keeping up on your air conditioning services, particularly maintenance and air conditioning repair in Valparaiso, FL.

Is maintenance really that important, though? Well, yes! Especially in Florida, where we use our AC systems on pretty much an hourly basis. Maintenance is basically a tune-up of your air conditioner, much like tuning up your car. During this service, our professional technicians will look at a number of things, such as any early signs of bigger issues that can occur later down the road, any components that need adjusting, and any parts that need to be cleaned.

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The Pros of Geothermal Cooling (and Heating)

Monday, December 17th, 2018

geothermal heating and cooling diagramWhen it comes to choosing a new cooling or heating system for your home, there are a number of factors to consider. Is this an older home with ductwork already in place? How big is the home? How efficient is your current HVAC system? Depending on your answers to this question, we can help you make an educated decision on what HVAC system to choose. In many cases, we recommend the Navarre, FL geothermal HVAC system.

The use of geothermal energy has become increasingly popular. If you’re thinking about replacing your old HVAC system with this, it can be a very cost-effective choice. But… you do need to consider things like if geothermal is going to be the best option for your specific home. Keep reading to learn more about these systems.

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Help! My Heat Pump Won’t Get Out of Cooling Mode

Monday, November 19th, 2018

beautiful surprised young woman in glasses standing in front of wonderful blue backgroundDaytime temperatures haven’t quite reached the point that we need to use our heaters just yet, particularly with the humidity we are still dealing with this time of the year. But maybe you’ve gone to test your heat pump to make sure it’s ready for when you do need it, only to discover that it’s stuck in cooling mode. What can you do?

Before you decide that you must need a new heater and start shopping for a furnace just so you can start feeling warm air coming from your vents, consider that your heat pump might just need a simple repair. We’ve highlighted some common reasons of a stuck heat pump reversing valve below.

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This Simple Trick Can Improve HVAC Efficiency

Monday, November 5th, 2018

green house on seesaw with money symbolOur team is always happy to offer helpful advice when it comes to what type of HVAC system to get, how to use it most efficiently, and when to schedule maintenance (once a year for your air conditioner and once a year for your heater!) The second point, efficiency, is what most of our customers want to know more about. As you probably guessed, a higher efficiency HVAC system will use less energy, and therefore cost less to run than an older or inefficiently working system.

Maintenance is a huge part of keeping this system in good shape, whether we’re talking about your air conditioner or your heater. It’s also important to keep up on repair needs, as a suffering system has to work harder to do its job. But this kind of care isn’t the only thing you can do to improve HVAC efficiency. There is one simple trick that can be surprisingly helpful: use your ceiling fans!

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No Matter How Often You Use Your Heater, It Needs a Tune-Up!

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

Technician looking over a gas furnace with a flashlight before cleaning it.True, we don’t have to worry about frigid temperatures in the fall and winter like other parts of the country do. However this doesn’t mean you should just neglect your heating in Navarre, FL. Your heating system deserves attention too, even if it’s only going to be operating for a couple months or so. Actually, maintenance may be even more important for our area, since our heating systems aren’t something we pay a lot of attention to, and therefore could miss the signs of a repair need.

And repair needs are one of the top reasons you need this service. Maintenance helps our technicians spot small issues before they become bigger ones. Keep reading for more detail on this, as well as other benefits of heating maintenance.

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Are You Misusing Your Thermostat?

Monday, September 10th, 2018

man-adjusting-thermostatWhile many homeowners throughout the country are breathing a sigh of relief as temperatures cool and they use their cooling systems less and less, we aren’t so fortunate. Not only do we have the heat to contend with, but the humidity as well, and it’s not going away any time soon.

We don’t say this to be depressing, but rather to highlight the fact that you are still going to be using your air conditioner for some time, and we want to help you use it as efficiently as possible. After all, if you can save money on your energy costs, wouldn’t you?

Well we have some good news—there is an easy way to do so, and it has to do with your thermostat! Read on to learn more about this, and a few other ways you can improve air conditioner efficiency to save energy and money.

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HVAC Upgrades: Could You Use a New Thermostat?

Monday, March 12th, 2018

studio shot of modern thermostatGenerally speaking, most homeowners know that they need to upgrade their home comfort systems every 10 years or so. Plenty of folks are on top of it when it comes to upgrading their heating and cooling systems, but there’s a component of both of these systems that is often forgotten about—the thermostat.

Your HVAC thermostat is responsible for controlling both of these systems—it doesn’t matter how powerful, efficient, or expensive your heating or cooling system is, if it doesn’t have a dependable thermostat to operate it with. If you’re one of the many homeowners who don’t know when they’re in need of Navarre, FL thermostat services, namely a thermostat upgrade, no need to worry—that’s what we’re here for!

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