Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Pensacola Beach’

End of Summer Question: Is It Time to Have Your Old AC Replaced?

Monday, September 7th, 2015

Florida has a very long cooling season when air conditioners run during most days. All the stress that ACs undergo in our hot and humid climate means that we must take special care of them so they will have the longest service lives possible and provide the best return on our original investment in them.

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How Does Geothermal Air Conditioning Actually Work?

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

Are you thinking about going with a geothermal heat pump to provide cooling (as well as heating) to your home? That’s a great idea! But you probably have a few hundred questions that you need answered—maybe more. Well, that’s what we are here for. We handle installation for geothermal heating and cooling in the area, and we are ready to answer all your inquiries.

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3 Ways You May Be Accidentally Damaging Your Air Conditioning System

Monday, July 13th, 2015

When it’s summer in Florida, air conditioning systems will put in some serious overtime to keep homes cool and comfortable. You don’t need us to explain to you how important the central AC in your house is during these hottest months of the year. But perhaps you may need some help to keep the air conditioner from encountering troubles with malfunctions and drops in efficiency. There are some ways that you may be damaging your air conditioner and not even know it. Here are three to watch out for this summer—and every summer to come.

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Some of Your Options for New Thermostat Installation

Monday, June 22nd, 2015

The thermostat is an essential component of a residential HVAC system: without it, you cannot communicate with your air conditioning or heating system to control the climate in your home. For many years, the basic style of thermostat was a manual unit that operated using slides and dials. Although these manual thermostats are still capable of getting the job done, technology has surpassed them with models that have greater precision and numerous special features that enhance comfort and maximize energy savings. Below are 3 options you have for new thermostats when you decide to replace the older units in your home:

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Some Advantages of Geothermal Cooling and Heating

Monday, May 25th, 2015

Among your options for cooling down your home this summer and many summers to come is a geothermal heat pump, also known as a ground-source heat pump. These home comfort systems use similar indoor components to a standard heat pump (an ­air-source heat pump), with an evaporator/condensing coil and air handlers to distribute the conditioned air. But instead of an outdoor cabinet with a coil and exhaust fan that uses the air as a medium for heat exchange, a geothermal heat pump has underground loops that use the heat of the earth as its heat exchange medium.

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Do I Need an Air Filtration System for My Home?

Monday, May 4th, 2015

A decline in indoor air quality is an increasing issue in homes in the U.S. This is due to the heavy insulation on buildings that creates a heat seal that allows the buildings to be energy efficient. Unfortunately, this seal traps air inside the buildings and allows it to circulate, picking up contaminants and becoming stale.

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What Happens During an Air Conditioning Maintenance Visit

Monday, April 20th, 2015

Your air conditioner is a precision machine designed to give you many years—often more than 15—of quality cooling for your family. But as with any precision mechanical device, an AC must have regular inspections and tune-ups to make sure that it continues to run its best and without wasting energy.

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What to Expect During Heating Maintenance

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

Heating maintenance is a regular task that you need to have done once a year in order to ensure that your home’s heater will work for years with high energy efficiency and a low number of repair troubles. Keeping up with maintenance will also help prevent surprise breakdowns at times when you need your heating system the most.

Because Florida has mild winters and only a few truly cold days, it is too easy for homeowners to forget about regular annual heating maintenance. But this is a mistake, and it’s simple to have it corrected with just a call to Kool Breeze. When you sign up for air conditioning maintenance with us (a job that’s much easier to remember) you’ll also be signing up for heating maintenance as well. You’ll have both issues taken care of with one program. Contact us today and ask about our program for AC and heating maintenance in Pensacola Beach, FL.

Here’s what you can expect to occur during a heating maintenance session (depending on your specific heating system):

  • Thermostat calibration check (all heating systems)
  • Inspection of the evaporator and condenser coils in the indoor and outdoor unit, plus cleaning them if necessary (heat pumps)
  • Check of safety precautions, such as the load limit switch (primarily furnaces)
  • Clean or replace the air filter (all forced-air heaters)
  • Look for water damage behind air handler units (ductless mini splits)
  • Check on refrigerant pressure and refrigerant levels, with refrigerant added if the charge is low (heat pumps)
  • Cleaning the blower assembly (all forced-air systems)
  • Check and adjust electrical connections (all systems, including gas furnaces)
  • Clean the heat exchanger and gas burner, check for gas flow to the burner (gas furnace)
  • Check motor amperage and lubricate moving parts where necessary (all systems)
  • Check airflow and temperature difference (all systems)

If at any point during the various checks and adjustments the technician comes across a malfunction or impending malfunction that will require repair work, he or she will notify you of it. You can decide when to schedule the necessary work, although it is best to have any repairs done as soon as possible. After all, one of the points of maintenance is to prepare the heater for any sudden cold shift in the weather.

Call up Kool Breeze and speak to one of our staff members about signing up for our air conditioning and heating maintenance program in Pensacola Beach, FL. Our program provides extra benefits, such as priority scheduling and discounts on non-warranty parts.

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How to Keep a Gas Furnace Safe

Wednesday, March 4th, 2015

Gas furnaces are the most popular way to provide heat for homes. They have incredibly high heating power (greater than almost any other type of heater) and are cost-effective because natural gas is less expensive than electricity.

However, some homeowners are wary about having a natural gas furnace installed because of the possibility of carbon monoxide leaks. It’s true that gas furnaces, as with any appliance that uses natural gas, can create hazardous and explosive fumes. However, the actual danger a modern gas furnace poses to a household is minimal and often exaggerated.

Nonetheless, it’s important that you takes steps to see that your home’s gas furnace remains safe. For professional assistance, you can call on the team at Kool Breeze. We work on all kinds of furnaces in Pensacola Beach, FL, and offer excellent maintenance and repair work whenever you require it.

Tips to keep your furnace operating safely

  • Regularly change the filter: The air filter in a furnace protects the interior of the heater from sustain damage and becoming dirty. To make sure the furnace suffers from as few issues as possible, you should replace/clean the filter every month during periods when the furnace runs on a regular basis.
  • Schedule annual maintenance: This is one of the most important steps to take for furnace safety. Each year, preferably in the fall, have a professional technician inspect and tune-up your furnace. The technician will find any repair issues or problems with safety mechanisms and have them taken care of before they can turn into problems.
  • Never try to repair the furnace on your own: It’s imperative that you do not tinker with the interior of the furnace cabinet. This is one of the ways that gas leaks can start. (In most jurisdictions, it is illegal to work on an appliance connected to a gas line unless you are a licensed professional.)
  • Always call for prompt repairs: If you notice anything amiss with the furnace’s performance, don’t wait to call for technicians to fix it. Delays can lead to a furnace that operates unsafely.
  • Put carbon monoxide detectors in your home: Although the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning is low, CO detectors will give you the peace of mind that there are no toxic gases in your home.

Kool Breeze offers a regular maintenance program for furnaces in Pensacola Beach, FL that will not only keep your furnace safe, it will also look after your air conditioning system. When you sign up, you’ll receive additional benefits such as a 10% discount on non-warranty parts and priority service. Call us today for more details.

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What to Do if Your Furnace Won’t Provide Heat

Thursday, February 5th, 2015

A furnace that won’t heat isn’t really of any use to you. As such, it behooves you to get it fixed as soon as possible. Now, you probably don’t have the tools or the expertise to actually repair your furnace yourself. However, there are a few steps you can go through before calling a professional technician. At the very least, you can eliminate some possible causes of the problem. Let’s take a look at what you can do if your furnace isn’t providing heat.

Check the Thermostat

The thermostat is the core of your heating system, responsible for actually deciding when your home receives heat and for how long. As such, a malfunctioning thermostat can disable the entire system, even if the furnace itself is perfectly healthy. Have a look at the thermostat and make sure that the settings and temperature are correct. If the temperature is obviously incorrect, or anything else is displaying strangely, then you may have a thermostat issue.


If your furnace is actually on, but not providing heat, listen for the sound of the furnace’s air handler. The air handler is the part that actually circulates air throughout the house, and you should be able to hear the fan blowing when the furnace is on. If not, then you have an issue with your air handler. It is possible that the motor is burned out, or that some other kind of electrical shortage has deprived the handler of power. Either way, you should shut your furnace down and call a professional if you don’t hear the fan blowing. Otherwise, heat can become trapped in the furnace and cause it to overheat.

Check the Ignition

Faulty ignition is a very common cause of furnace failure. In older furnaces, it’s easy to check if the ignition is working. Simply look for the pilot light burning underneath the furnace. If the light is out, then that’s probably the source of your problem. Newer furnaces are more difficult to assess, as they use electronic ignition systems with little or no visible signs of malfunction. Even so, you should try starting your furnace while watching the burners to see if they ignite. If not, then you probably have an ignition problem.

If your furnace isn’t providing heat, call Kool Breeze. We offer quality furnaces and professional furnace services throughout Pensacola Beach.

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