Kool Breeze of Northwest Florida, Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Pensacola Beach’

Heating Installation: Furnaces vs. Heat Pumps

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

If you have a working set of ducts installed in your home, you generally have two choices available when it comes to heating installation in Pensacola Beach: a furnace or a heat pump. Most central heating systems in the U.S. are furnaces, consisting of a combustion chamber, a filter, a blower, and a venting system, and installed in a closed space like an attic or closet, or in a garage or basement. A heat pump is actually a heating and air conditioning system that contains an outdoor component and an indoor air handler, just like a traditional air conditioner.

Which system is best for your home? We’ll go over both heat pumps and air conditioners in today’s post, but be sure to contact a professional to determine which type, size, and model of unit is best suited for your heating needs.


Furnaces are popular because of the generally low cost of installation as well as reliability. And if you’re skeptical of what a furnace can do for you because you’ve owned a poor-performing furnace in the past, then you may be missing out on an opportunity to get a new highly efficient updated model. Today’s furnaces are more efficient than ever, providing homeowners with a range of options to choose from including those with very high efficiency and performance ratings and advanced safety features.

Heat Pump

A heat pump uses refrigeration technology to move heat from one area to another, as the chemical blend can easily convert from a liquid to a gas and back again to absorb and dissipate heat. In the cooler weather heat is absorbed from the outside air to move indoors. This is cost-effective because it is more efficient for a system to move heat around than to generate heat.

It is often wise to get a heat pump if you need a new air conditioning and heating system. However, if you are only replacing an older furnace, a heat pump may not be your best bet. A heat pump replaces an air conditioning system, and it can come out to quite an expense if you replace a nearly new AC unit.

Call Kool Breeze for an honest assessment of your heating needs and to schedule new heating installation in Pensacola Beach.

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The Reversing Valve: The Key Component of Heat Pumps

Wednesday, December 10th, 2014

Heat pumps combine two comfort functions into a single system: forced-air heating and cooling. During the long hot season in Florida, a heat pump can provide a level of indoor cooling that is equal to a comparably sized standalone air conditioner. During the shorter periods of cold weather, a heat pump can switch over to providing a sufficient level of warmth to keep a home pleasant without excessive energy waste. In Pensacola Beach, FL, heat pumps are one of the best ways to stay comfortable around the year.

In most of the important ways, a heat pump works like an air conditioner. The key difference between the two is a component called the reversing valve. Without this valve, a heat pump would remain in one mode or the other. If you have a heat pump that either won’t give you heating or won’t give you cooling, the fault probably lies in the reversing valve. Call Kool Breeze, any time of the day or night, for the repair work necessary to restore your heat pump to full operation.

The Reversing Valve

The job of the reversing valve in a heat pump is to change the route of refrigerant between the indoor and outdoor coils, which will cause the two the exchange their functions of condenser and evaporator. When the refrigerant moves first from the compressor to the indoor coils, the heat pump is in heating mode. When it moves first to the outdoor coils, the heat pump is in cooling mode.

A reversing valve operates by a pressure difference inside a metal tube, controlled by a solenoid. The pressure change moves a slider through the tube, and this slide straddles two of three tube openings. When at rest (de-energized), the slide creates a pressure difference on one side of the tube that allows the refrigerant from the compressor to move first toward the indoor coils and makes them act as the condenser, releasing heat to the inside of the home. When the slide shifts to the other side of the valve (energized) the pressure change now permits the refrigerant to move to the outdoor coils first, making them the condenser and releasing heat to the outdoors. An electrical connection from the thermostat controls whether the reversing valve is energized or de-energized.

A broken reversing valve will mean a heat pump that is trapped in one mode or the other. If this occurs, the reversing valve will need to be replaced (this is less expensive than trying to repair them), and this job requires professionals to handle. The thermostat can also lose its connection to the valve, which will usually trap the pump in heating mode because the valve will remain de-energized. If your heat pump starts to act as if it has a bad reversing valve, call for trained heating technicians right away.

At Kool Breeze, we want you to enjoy comfortable temperatures in your home no matter the weather outside. We install heat pumps in Pensacola Beach, FL and provide all the repair and maintenance work necessary to keep them working for many years. Give us a call the next time you need heat pump service.

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How Does a Heat Pump Work for Heating?

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

Heat pumps are a great alternative to more traditional systems when it comes to heating your home. More and more homeowners are taking advantage of heat pumps for their energy efficiency, versatility, and safety compared to furnaces and boilers. However, many people are still ignorant of how heat pumps actually work. To remedy that, let’s take a look at the inner workings of a heat pump.

Parts of a Heat Pump

A heat pump system consists mainly of two parts. These parts are the interior and exterior units. As the name suggests, these units are installed inside and outside the home, respectively. The function of these units changes, depending on whether the heat pump is in heating or cooling mode. Since we’re only talking about heating in this article, however, we’ll call the inside unit the condenser, and the outside unit the evaporator. These names refer to the coils that are present in each unit.

The other major part you should know about is the refrigerant line. This line runs between the two units, and is filled with one of several kinds of liquid responsible for transporting heat.

How it Works

When the heat pump is turned on, the refrigerant flows out to the exterior unit and into the evaporator coil. The coil then evaporates the refrigerant, turning itself into a heat sink for the surrounding air. Through this process, thermal energy is leeched from the air and into the coil, where it is stored in the refrigerant gas. The refrigerant then runs inside to the interior unit, where the condenser coil condenses it back into a liquid state. This releases the stored thermal energy, which the interior unit can then use to warm the air to be circulated. The now-cold liquid refrigerant is then moved back out to the exterior unit to continue the process.

This method of moving heat from one place to another, rather than relying on combustion to generate heat, is what makes heat pumps so energy efficient.

If you’d like to know more about how heat pumps work, call Kool Breeze today to speak with a qualified technician. We professionally install heat pumps in the Pensacola Beach area.

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How Can I Make My Heating More Reliable?

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014

There is no way to ensure that your heating system will never breakdown, but there are some steps you can take to help make your system more reliable. To be clear, we aren’t talking about handling a heating repair for your Pensacola Beach home yourself. Instead, we have some suggestions on how you can make your heating system more reliable:

Schedule Regular Maintenance

It’s recommended that you schedule heating maintenance annually. Maintenance isn’t just a quick review of your system; it’s a full tune-up that also includes safety and performance testing. During a maintenance visit, the components in your system are inspected, cleaned and adjusted, and all moving parts are lubricated. With professional maintenance, your system can perform optimally, which helps prevent potential repairs from developing.

Make Needed Repairs

At some point your heating system will need repair. You may hear signs of problems, such as strange sounds, or see signs of problems, such as leaks or a decrease in heating. It can be very tempting to wait before making needed repairs, or even ignoring signs of problems, particularly if your heating system is still operational. This is never a good idea. Problems with your heater won’t fix themselves and typically become worse with time. Waiting for your heating system to completely breakdown can be a time-consuming and costly mistake. If you are seeing the signs that it’s time to schedule repair, make an appointment with your technician.

Is It Time for Replacement?

Do you have an aging system that has become unreliable? Are you making multiple repairs to your system just to keep it operational? It may be time to consider a heating replacement. One of the many benefits of a new heating system is that you’ll have a reliable heating system that you can count on.

Taking steps toward prevention can help reduce the amount of heating repair you may need in Pensacola Beach. Need more information? Call Kool Breeze today and schedule an appointment with one of our experts.

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The Advantages of Gas Furnaces

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

Cold weather isn’t as much a problem in our part of the country as it is in others, but we still need reliable heating systems for the winter months of the year. Gas furnaces are one of the most common heating systems around, and there are some good reasons for this. If you are in need of a new furnace in Pensacola, you may want to take a look at what a gas furnace can offer you. However, it is important to hire professionals for any heating installation, and the trained professionals at Kool Breeze can help you with all your heating needs.

How Does a Gas Furnace Work?

When a gas furnace starts its heating cycle, a fan known as the draft fan inducer motor draws air into the burner assembly; at the same time, the gas is released and the burners are ignited. The heat from the burners warms the heat exchanger, and the air from inside the burner assembly is exhausted to the outside. A second fan, known as the blower fan, turns on, and brings in cooler air from your living spaces through the return ductwork and blows this cooler air over the warmed heat exchanger. The blown air is warmed, and continues its way into the supply ducts, which deliver it into your living spaces. The cycle continues until the set temperature has been reached.

What Are the Advantage of a Gas Furnace?

There are a few advantages of gas furnaces worth noting:

  • Constant fuel supply – because your furnace is connected directly to your gas line, there is no need to worry about managing fuel deliveries or managing fuel deliveries.
  • The heat is hot and fast – gas heat reaches temperatures of approximately 130 degrees. It also reaches this temperature quickly. This means that your home will heat quickly, and be warm and comfortable, even on the coldest days.
  • Less expensive fuel – natural gas is the most inexpensive fossil fuel available, which can make a difference in your monthly energy bills.
  • Clean-burning – natural gas is the most clean-burning fuel around, so there is little-to-no soot or other type of mess created by natural gas.

A gas furnace in Pensacola can offer you energy efficiency, comfort and convenience. Interested to find out more? Call Kool Breeze today and schedule an appointment with one of our trained experts.

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Rely on Professionals for Your Commercial Air Conditioning Installation

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

If you need a new commercial air conditioning system, you’ll need to find the right company to help you choose the correct cooling capacity and provide professional installation services. So if you want someone who knows the ins and outs of commercial air conditioning systems, don’t go with just any air conditioning service company. When you choose an inexperienced technician for the job, especially one who specializes only in residential air conditioners, your business may suffer. Systems that are not sized or installed correctly run into problems sooner than those that receive professional commercial air conditioning installation from a specialist.

Residential systems are not like commercial air conditioners for many reasons. First, commercial units are generally much larger than those installed in homes, but this isn’t the only difference. Most commercial HVAC units are packaged systems, meaning every part is contained in a single unit. Whereas traditional residential air conditioning units are split systems, with a condenser unit outside and an evaporator unit indoors, packaged units contain all of these parts in one cabinet and are installed either on the rooftop or right outside the building, connecting directly to the ducts. Another feature of commercial packaged units which makes them perfect for businesses is the fact that they are modular. This means that you can add modules onto the system to adjust the cooling capacity as your business grows rather than installing a whole new AC. However, an inexperienced technician may be unfamiliar with some of these differences, and you may end up with a system that is not the correct size. A unit that is too small will not cool your entire business, while a unit that is too large may lead to compressor failure.

Besides, you’ll want to find a company that knows the ins and outs of your specific system and has experience making repairs and doing routine maintenance so you can contact them again in the future. When you need commercial services, you want the ability to call professionals who can assess repair needs quickly and get the job done right so that your business can return to normal operation soon. And the best company for this job may be the people who installed it in the first place! When you need commercial air conditioning installation in Pensacola Beach, give a call to Kool Breeze.

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Signs You Need Commercial Air Conditioning Repairs

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014

When it comes to your business, you can’t be without air conditioning. Commercial air conditioning repair in Pensacola Beach is not the same as residential repair, so it’s important to hire technicians with commercial AC experience, like the ones at Kool Breeze. There are a number of things that can go wrong with your commercial cooling system, and it’s imperative that, no matter the reason for the malfunction, your air conditioning is restored as soon as possible. Since 1986, Kool Breeze has helped many commercial air conditioning customers, and we can help you, too.

Signs You May Need Repair

There are some common signs that it may be time to repair your commercial AC system:

  • High energy bills – are you seeing a sudden spike in your monthly energy bills, but haven’t changed the way you cool your space? When air conditioners malfunction, they typically use more power to operate because they are stressed. The clearest sign of this is a higher monthly energy bill.
  • Uneven cooling – there are a number of reasons you can experience uneven cooling, including obstructed air ducts, broken fans, etc..
  • Decrease in cooling – is your thermostat at 72 but the temperature feels like 79? A decrease in cooling is not normal, no matter how hot it may be outside. If you are not achieving the temperature you’ve set, call a technician.
  • Decrease in air flow – the air may be the right temperature, but if you don’t have enough of it, your cooling is still compromised. Low air flow can put a great deal of stress on your air conditioning system, which can lead to other systemic problems.
  • AC won’t turn on – if your air conditioner isn’t responding at all, call a technician right away.

Commercial AC repair varies greatly from residential air conditioning repair, so it’s critical to hire professionals who are trained to handle commercial air conditioning repair in Pensacola Beach. If you see signs of poor AC function in your business space, call Kool Breeze today.

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Are There Any Air Conditioning Repair Jobs I Can Do on My Own?

Thursday, July 31st, 2014

Our current culture has an obsession with “do-it-yourself” jobs. Much of this is due to the rise of the Internet and the easy spread of information regarding how to perform tasks that were once mysterious to non-professionals.

Although DIY work can make for an interesting hobby, it is inappropriate for many jobs that require more than just a checklist printed up from an amateur webpage. One of these jobs that needs a trained professional is air conditioning repair. The complexity of current ACs is far too much for most people to handle fixing malfunctions without training.

If you are experiencing issues with your cooling system thus summer, call for air conditioning repair in Pensacola Beach, FL from Kool Breeze. We have the experience, training, and equipment to handle the necessary repairs fast and right.

But Can I Do Anything About the AC on My Own?

With regards to opening up either the indoor or outdoor air conditioner cabinet and attempting to fix anything… no, you can’t take care of an AC repairs. The operation of the system is too intricate, and repairs often require having the right type of replacement part.

However, there are a few things you can do when your AC shows signs of failure that may help, or perhaps identify a simple cause for the problem.

  • First, check the air filter. This filter need to be changed (or cleaned, if it is a permanent filter) once a month during seasons when your AC runs regularly. If it becomes clogged, it can result in a drop in airflow that will create extra strain on the system. Sometimes changing a clogged filter is all you need to do to get back system operation.
  • You can also look into the thermostat. Make sure that the thermostat is set correctly; a simple error in programming a digital thermostat can result in the system behaving erratically. The thermostat could also be malfunctioning, and this will require professional repairs.
  • Find all the vents in your home and check to see that they aren’t blocked or partially obstructed. Sometimes this can account for uneven heating for an AC working too hard. Also look around the outside cabinet to see if any large object has blocked it.

If you cannot find a basic solution to the AC’s problems from the above inspections, then it’s time to call for the professionals to track down what is causing the air conditioner to act up and then fix it.

It’s easy to find quality air conditioning repair in Pensacola Beach, FL. You only have to call Kool Breeze and talk to our expert technicians. Our staff is on call 24 hours a day for emergency service.

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3 Ways to Detect a Refrigerant Leak

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

One of the more common problems that an air conditioning system can encounter is a leak along the refrigerant lines. As refrigerant leaks out, it drops the set “charge” in the system, which must remain at this level for the AC to work correctly. A loss of refrigerant will mean a loss in cooling ability for the system, and it will also cause problems such as a frozen coil and even serious, irreparable damage to the compressor when it starts to overheat. When leaks begin, they need immediate repair from specialists, followed by a recharging of the system to the correct refrigerant level.

You cannot fix this problem on your own: although signs of leaks are often obvious (loss of cooling, iced evaporator coil, hissing sounds), locating the often tiny leaks themselves can be tricky. Here are three way that our Pensacola Beach, FL air conditioning repair specialists at Kool Breeze handle finding refrigerant leaks.

  1. Electronic detectors: In the HVAC world, these are usually called “sniffers,” and are the most common device used to pinpoint refrigerant leaks. Sniffers generate a high voltage spark that will drop in voltage when it encounters an insulating gas—such as R-410A, the refrigerant blend used in most modern air conditioners. The technicians run the sniffer along the refrigerant line until registering a large drop in voltage.
  2. Fluorescent detection: Fluorescent lights are helpful in picking out the otherwise hard to see escaping refrigerant gas. The technicians first add a fluorescent dye into the air conditioner’s system, and then scan UV lights over the AC. The leaking gas will appear as green.
  3. Bubble solution: This is an old technique that was around long before using UV lights and high voltage detectors. It doesn’t work for very small leaks, but technicians may use it if they suspect a large leak. Using squeeze bottles, the technicians apply a soapy solution along the area of the refrigerant lines where they think leaks may be. The escaping gas should create bubbles from the soap.

Although you could potentially try a crude version of the third method on your own, you still wouldn’t be able to fix the problem. Once the air conditioning experts have located the leaks, they will seal them up. Afterwards, they will recharge the system with the appropriate amount of refrigerant to replace what was lost. It’s important that they use both the right type of refrigerant and do not under- or overfill the system.

At the first suspicion of refrigerant leaks, call our team at Kool Breeze for air conditioning repair service in Pensacola Beach, FL. We are ready to assist you…24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Give a us a call today.

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The 3 Most Important Things to Consider Before Air Conditioning Replacement

Friday, June 27th, 2014

As summer deepens in Florida, you may start to consider replacing your aging air conditioner with a new system that has superior performance and energy-efficiency. This is a big decision, and it requires thinking over a number of important factors. Here are the 3 most important things you should consider when you are in the market for air conditioning replacement in Pensacola Beach, FL.

You don’t need to worry about making this decision on your own: with the help of the professionals at Kool Breeze, you will soon be on your way to the best cooling for your home for this summer and the many summers after.

1. Is your old air conditioning system ready for replacement?

In other words: “Do you actually need an air conditioning replacement yet?” You don’t want to schedule a replacement if there are targeted professional repairs that can keep your current system running for a few more years without a significant loss of efficiency. If your air conditioning system is still a few years below its estimated lifespan, call for a technician to look into repair possibilities when the AC begins to malfunction. The technician can tell you if it is worth it to pay for repairs or not. In general, if it costs more than $500 per year in repairs to keep a cooling system operating, then it isn’t worthwhile maintaining it, and you should schedule a replacement.

2. Do you want to replace the AC with a different type of system?

You have more options for air conditioning replacement today than to simply have a standard central AC installed. You can choose to have a heat pump put in instead, which will give you both air conditioning and heating. Another possibility is a ductless mini split system, which bypasses the need for ductwork. Not every home is suited for these options, so consult with installers about the choices available to you and which ones are the most suited for your home and budget plans.

3. How large and powerful a system do you need?

Please note we didn’t write “How large and powerful a system do you want?” Each home has specific requirements for cooling it, and an AC that is either too large or too small for the space will end up wasting energy and providing insufficient comfort. To properly size a system, you must know the heating and cooling load requirements for your home, and this takes the help of professional installers. Before choosing a new system, have the installers perform a heat load calculation to determine the BTUs in cooling necessary to provide you with comfort.

At Kool Breeze, we know that considering air conditioning in Pensacola Beach, FL can be intimidating: you want to make sure that you have the best AC possible for the humid summers. You can trust our staff to help you make the right decisions, the same way they have helped other homeowners since 1986.

Give us a call today and speak with our qualified team of AC experts to schedule an appoint with us.

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